DDH Hearse

DDH Hearse

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hollywood Elitist Rose McGowan Blames GOP for Massacre by Muslims in CA

Rose McGowan
Rose McGowan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here we go again!  Another stuck in the clouds with her head up her butt Hollywood elitist blames Conservatives for the massacre of innocent people by Islamic Jihadists in California the other day.  She is just to dumb to realize that it is her god occupying the oval office is the one making it easy for Muslim terrorists to enter this country and carry out their missions of death on innocent American people.

Another point I would make is that most Muslims in the United States align themselves with the Democratic or as I like to say the Demo-anarchist Party, which is also behind opening our borders to all these dangerous scumbags. Let's not forget that they are also using our tax dollars to give these people all kinds of goodies to secure their loyalty, things like Walmart gift cards, and places to live, food to eat, and, of course, our American jobs.

Conservatives in the GOP are largely trying to stop these so-called refugees from coming into this nation citing the danger of allowing them to come in un-vetted.  The immigrants of long ago were not part of a radical group of Islamists hell bent on destroying Western Civilization, and murdering millions of its people in the process.

Those refugees who came through Ellis Island came desiring a better life and were willing to work hard to get it, not to mention they assimilated into the American lifestyle, and did not try to force a harsh system of religious law on the rest of us. Big difference between them and today's refugee invaders from the middle east.

I am convinced that Obama wants to see our cities and town laid to ruin by these Islamic warriors from Hell, and he fully intends to kick back while they rape, pillage, and plunder our nation into oblivion.  When the armed citizenry decides it has had enough of their violent acts, and the guns come out, then Obama and his Socialist pukes will be spurred to action as he declares martial law and takes away our guns leaving us defenseless, and open to attack.

I've noticed just today open threats against Obama on social media. It is apparent that we the people have had enough of him and his BS!  Obama may not finish his second term if he continues to deny the truth, and speak blatant lies why he does nothing to defend the interests of this nation and it's people.

Even the military and law enforcement have had enough of Obama's lack of interest of enforcing the law and defending the Constitution.  2016 will be a very interesting year for sure, can't wait to see the poster boy of socialism impeached, ya right!  No one really has the balls to pursue impeachment even though Obama's list of offenses is longer than the east is from the west.

I wonder if these Hollywood half-wits will ever wise up and actually say something intelligent and real, instead of always making stupid knee-jerk comments which are baseless at best.

Until the next big socialist idiot from Hollywood opens their big fat mouth and spews stupidity, I'm KCWriteWinger, signing off!

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