Yes, mainstream America has had way too much of Hollywoods liberal BS!
The constant whining and veiled threats of impeachment and "I'm moving out of the country" have become a major annoyance to everyone else in the country except for the other far lefties. Hey if you really want to leave then leave or shut up Hollywood, really? I swear you people have snorted so much white powder up your noses your sense of reality is long gone, and I mean long gone.
Face the truth! Trump is here to stay and we intend on giving him four more years to finish cleaning up the swamp and pissing off liberals. LOL! I know there are millions out there that would love to express their annoyance with you people also, so I am expressing it on their behalf.
Hollywood, you lack of morality and virtue is sickening all of us. You wicked lifestyles are at best highly offensive and make us want to boycott your movies and tv shows. We're sick of being brainwashed by your far left agendas and told what we ought to be more inclusive and open to just letting illegals pour over borders and break our laws.
The majority of the people in this country want the wall built and we want it now!
We hate "The View" and that other show with a bunch of women spreading their stupid opinions and trashing conservatives they bring on the show. We love it when whoopie gets so mad she charges off the stage then we don't have to listen to her big fat mouth anymore. It's basically a worthless show and waste of airtime!
To the Fat Greasball movie producer Micheal Moore, your movies suck!
To the music industry, A lot of your music is worthless, has no redeeming value, is chocked full of sexual and occultic themes, and we don't have to listen to it. You're not helping the country better itself you're doing more damage to this nation with the evil messages contained in your music. We want to thank Kayne West for waking up and supporting our President. Thank you!
Mostly, there are millions of Americas that would just like to say "Drop Dead Hollywood" which is a nicer way of saying "Hollywood, Go Screw Yourself!"
California why don't you just secede? You won't be missed!